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Please be aware that there are Gmach (free lending programs) run in our neighborhood for the benefit of our members. Please avail yourselves of these services when there is a need, and of course please remember to return the items after you, or someone visiting, or someone you are caring for no longer needs them.

1. Grandchildren/toddler items Gmach

Includes pack n' plays, highchairs, car seats, etc
Run by Stewart Schoenbrun: (862)-377-3666, 

2. Medical Equipment Gmach

a note from Miriam Benkoe:
"We currently supply shower chairs, commodes, walkers, knee scooters, wheelchairs etc. as needed. If you have any of these items, especially canes, crutches and wheelchairs, that you no longer need, please contact me to arrange for pickup.  We are truly "Anshei Chesed," performing acts of kindness to others.
This gmach was established in memory of my mother, Chana Feige bat R' Yosef Tzvi ( Annette Alter Behar)    Thank you. Miriam Benkoe"

Run by Miriam Benkoe: (516)-661-8082,

3. Wheelchair Gmach
There is a small collection of wheelchairs in the Ganchrow Beis Medrash at ACC. Items can be picked up when the building is open, or please contact the rabbi or president to make a special arrangement for pick up or to return items.


Thank you for participating through your donations and through your making use of these items. Chesed is often a two-way street because it can only be done when it helps others, so when people take advantage of these items, the mitzvah is more complete. 

Thank you also for returning all items in good condition so others may take advantage as well!

Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785