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Shmura Matzah 2025

Enter below the amount of each type of MONTREAL HAND BAKED SHMURA MATZAH that you wish to order.

If you are logged in to your Anshei Chesed account, after you click "Place my order",
you will be given 2 options, "Bill to Account" or "Credit Card".
If you "Bill to Account", you may pay with "Zelle".

If you are NOT logged in, you will be taken directly to the "Credit Card" payment page.

If you choose the "Credit Card" option, you may charge your purchase to ANY credit card, 
           (Note: All credit card charges include a convenience fee.)

If you are NOT logged in, you will be asked to enter the "Captcha" code provided in the lower left of the payment page.


Then you MUST click "Pay Now" to have your order processed!!
Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785